Sunday, December 6, 2015

Riding Part:2

 This week you will learn the different gaits that horses have and how to turn. To turn a horse you can pull slightly on the rein in the direction you want to turn. Using reins is easier but a better way is by using your legs. You can pull the rein a little then but you should really depend on your legs more. First put your outside leg behind the girth and inside one on it curving your horse in the direction you want to go.At first it may feel hard directing your horse without using the reins too much but it gets easier with time and as your horse gets used to taking questions from your legs. Now that you know how to turn we will talk about the first gait which is the walk. The walk is a four beat gait and the slowest of all. There is a collected walk which doesn't mean that the walk has no energy, but instead that the horse just takes smaller steps. Then there is your medium walk which is just relaxed and average. Next there is your working/marching walk. This is a faster walk and is a good walk for warming up your horse and transitioning into a trot. Lastly there is a free walk which the horse has his neck stretched out at a medium pace. Well that is all you need to know about the walk next week we will talk about the trot.

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