Monday, February 29, 2016

Riding Part:5

The gallop is the gait after the canter. It is a four beat gait and has the longest moment of suspension where all four hooves are off the ground. Galloping should only be done by advanced riders as it is the fastest of all gaits and horses tend to get overexcited when asked to do this. Galloping should only be done in a place where there is lots of room such as an open field. It is a very exhilarating gait for both you and your horse when controlled properly. To ask for the gallop you need to go into two point position. Two point position is when you lean slightly forward and lift your weight out of the saddle. To que for the gallop get your horse into an extended canter. Then rise into your two point position. Next squeeze with your calves or give a tap with your whip to get the horse to gallop. Galloping is very fast and horses tend to get overexcited in this pace so before you attempt it make sure you have a good control of your horse in all the other gaits and a strong seat because falling off on this one is going to hurt. There are different paces in even a gallop but there is no collected or extended gallop since it is not a gait used in dressage ;and is mainly just used to get better time and momentum on jump courses or for fun. That is how to gallop a horse.

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