Friday, April 22, 2016

Body Parts Used while Riding

Today I'll be telling you about the different body parts used while horseback riding. Often people think that riding doesn't require any work, but in reality it does.  Unlike what most people think riding  is not just putting your butt in the saddle and letting a horse carry you around while you steer with the reins. To ride properly and actually get the horse to do what you want you need to have strong muscles. When riding you use your whole body but most of the work is done by your legs. Your legs are what keep you from falling off , tell your horse where to go and  how fast to go. Due to this  trainers will often tell you that if your legs aren't sore by the end of the lesson you weren't riding correctly. Also you need to have a strong core. Your core enables you to keep your legs in place. Also your core gives you your balance.  Basically your core is your powerhouse. If you have a strong core you'll be able to keep your balance which in turn will keep your legs which tell your horse what to do  in position.The body parts least used while riding are your arms, but having strong arms is also useful since after long periods of riding your arms get tired as well. In conclusion to ride properly you use your whole body. Next time I will tell you how to strengthen these body parts.

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