Saturday, October 17, 2015

Horseback Riding Basic Position

Horseback riding is incredibly fun, but it takes a lot of time and effort to master. Horseback riding is difficult because you have to learn to communicate with another creature  and work with it as a team. Here is the basic position when horseback riding. When your riding a horse try to balance your weight and keep from leaning on one side as this could be bothersome and damaging to a horse's back. Keep your head up and look where you want to go.Also keep from slouching and leaning too far forward or back in the saddle. You want to be sitting up tall and upright ,as if there is something pulling your your body up towards the sky. In the beginning though your instructor may want you to lean back as this prevents falling and gives you a more secure seat. Another  thing is when riding you always want your toes turned inward toward the horse and pointing up and your heals down. This keeps you from digging your heals into the horse which can really agitate them and cause them to act up. Another thing to remember when riding is your thighs should always have connection with the saddle. They are what keep you secure  in the saddle and can prevent you from falling . Also always remember to keep your hands giving and down either touching your saddle or your thigh. A horse's mouth is very sensitive and it could damage and bother the  horse if your hands are rigid and up with the bit is constantly jabbing it in the mouth.Another thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to be stiff. Your body should be relaxed and supple absorbing the movement of the horse.Finally there should be a straight line from your head to your heels if you are in the correct position,but don't stress if you are just starting and don't have that position everything takes time and practice.

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