Sunday, October 11, 2015

How to Halter and Lead a Horse

   So, this week I'll be telling you how to get your horse out of his stall safely. As you know there is no running when around horses because the movement can spook them, so you have to walk to the horse's stall. Then get his halter. Make sure that it is his because some horses have bigger heads than others and it could be uncomfortable if you put on the wrong one. Then walk towards the horse making sure he sees you so you don't startle him. If your horse has his backside faced towards you slide your hand over his hindquarters and talk to him so he doesn't kick or spook at seeing you all of a sudden. When putting on the horse's halter you want to be on the left side because that is the side where the buckle is usually on. First slide your lead rope over the horse's neck. Then slip the halter over his nose and buckle it. Be sure the halter isn't twisted or to tight as this could be very irritating. Also if it is to loose the horse may be able to take it off and you wouldn't have much control over him.When leading your horse you could come across a few problems. One is if he sees some feed he might want to go to it and snag a bite. If he does this give him a little smack on his shoulder and tell him firmly "no". Also you could give the lead rope a little jerk , but never hit a horse's head as this can cause them to become fearful and head shy. Also sometimes horses want to go faster than you because they're excited or they feel like it. This is not okay, your in charge and let your horse know  that. You could tug on the lead rope a little  to slow him down, but if that doesn't work  you can halt completely and then walk then halt again when the horse speeds up  until he gets that he needs to walk with you instead of faster. Lastly sometimes you'll come across something that your horse is afraid of and he'll refuse to move forward. If this is the case don't rush him. Let him look at the object , talk to him, give him a stroke and let him know he's okay. Then look where you want to go and then just walk. Chances are your horse will follow but if he doesn't give him some more time and if that doesn't work ask an experienced person like an instructor or trainer to help you. Well, that is all for today now you know how to halter and lead a horse.

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