Sunday, November 8, 2015

Tacking Up Your Horse:Part 2

Last week you learned how to groom your horse before tacking up. Today, you will learn how to actually put your equipment on. So, now that your horse is clean the first thing you need to put on is the horse's saddle. The saddle is what you sit on for those of you who don't know and goes on the horse's back. Before putting the saddle on you need to first put on the saddle pad. Put the saddle pad on up on the withers. Then put the saddle on top. Make sure everything is even then slide the saddle into place behind the shoulders so that the girth is three inches behind the horse's elbow. After that you need tighten the horse's girth. You should tighten the girth just enough so the saddle stays in place, but then make it tight right before you get on. Next you need to put on your bridle. First take off your horse's halter and fasten it onto his neck so you still have control over him. Next slide the reins over his head and grab all the other straps. Place the bit on your palm and your other hand on the horse's poll. Offer the bit to the horse, but if he doesn't open his mouth slide your thumb in his mouth behind his teeth. After you get the bit in, slide the headpiece over his ears and buckle up the straps. The throatlatch should be loose enough so that you can fit four fingers and the noseband should be tight enough so that you can fit in two fingers. Now you know how to tack up your horse.

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