Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tacking Up:Part 1

    When getting ready to ride a horse, one thing you must know is how to tack your horse up for the ride. Tacking up means to basically put the saddle and bridle(tack) on the horse.First, you must get your  saddle, bridle, grooming kit (brushes,hoof pick,and etc.),and helmet because once you get your horse you'll have to supervise him and you don't want to be running around getting all of your gear since it would also waste a lot of time. Next you should halter your horse and take him to the cross-ties or tie him outside his stall,which are the most convenient spots , but you can basically put him wherever you put your tack. After that start with the hoof pick and scrape out all the dust and stones from your horse's hooves,but be careful not to poke the triangle thing in the middle (the frog) because it is very sensitive. After that you should curry comb his coat. This is the harder rubber thing with little round teeth on it. Move this in a circular motion all over your horse to loosen up the hair and dirt. Finally brush off all the dirt using quick strong strokes. Now you have a clean horse to tack up. Next week I'll tell you how to put everything on.

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